Big News!
I’m excited to announce I’m pivoting my business to exclusively serve individuals who are charged with delivering one-off outcomes through the efforts of teams/squads/pods/tribes/… with roles like project/program managers, product owners, PMO players, agilists, analysts, and others.
If you are one of the thousands of my 1st level LinkedIn contacts, you’ll be seeing announcement posts and getting a direct message.
If you aren’t a contact, what are you waiting for? https://www.linkedin.com/in/criscasey/
After 40+ years of independent consulting with hundreds of organizations and thousands of people, I’ve developed a keen awareness of what it takes to make my clients successful. And a deep understanding of the challenges individuals within those organizations face in their day-to-day roles.
So in an attempt to deliver individual, one-on-one help, I’m offering an on-line personal advisory service. The objective is to give you the ability to confidentially chat with someone who actually knows the situation you’re in, or the pain or challenges you’re experiencing first hand. Someone you can feel safe to discuss what options you may have or what alternatives or strategies may be available to get you though whatever current issues are in front of you.
And it’s easy to do.
- Pick how much time you need [5, 10, 30, or 60 minutes]
- Schedule a convenient time [shoot me an email if you don’t see a time you like]
- Fill out the quick questionnaire
- Enter your payment info and you’re done [you’ll receive confirmations by email and can import the calendar entry into your schedule]
You should know these sessions are priced at a steep discount from my typical corporate rates. Why? Because odds are most of you will be paying for this assistance out of your own pockets.
And to make sure you’re satisfied, at the end of the session if you don’t feel you’ve received value from our interaction, there’s a 100% money-back guarantee.
Have a decision where non-biased advice could be useful? Is there a situation you’re currently facing where an objective perspective would be useful? Having trouble with a colleague or boss and not sure what the right approach is? You are not alone.
Here’s the link: CrisCasey.com Personal Advisory Service
Based on my research and experience, I think I have a handle on what might be useful to you. But I have been wrong in the past, and it never hurts to ask.
This link will take you to a quick (5 minute or less) survey so you can tell me where I should be focusing my efforts:
Thanks for reading this far. Please be on the lookout for the message that the new site is up and running.
Wishing you success with all your initiatives,
-Cris Casey